Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The holidays are over

Sukkot has ended. The week-long festivities and eating in sukkah is over - it's already easier to make progress along the sidewalks. Here are three sukkah (not sure what the plural is) that were put up along Emek Refaim. The reason they don't have tables and chairs inside (or people) is that I took these pictures on Saturday (Shabbat) when most shops are closed and the observant are at home with their families.

Yesterday was Simchat Torah which celebrates the beginning of the public reading of the Torah. On Sunday late afternoon I was leaving the Old City as the Orthodox Jews were headed to the Kotel (Wailing Wall or Western Wall) to celebrate. It was a steady stream of black and white through the Jaffa Gate and the cabbies were doing a fine business.

The University is open again this morning, so I'm off to see how my "registration in the system" is proceeding.

P.S. Comments are now open. Thanks to the reader who pointed out they were closed!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for comments. And also nice to see another post, and with pictures!
