Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year

I'm back in Jerusalem after a few days in Austria (pictures now on last post). I spent 3 days in Graz with friends from Vancouver (who are living and working in Graz for the fall and winter). Graz is a charming town with great transit and a good-sized river (the Mur) running through it. I notice surface water now that I live in a place that has almost none.

Me in Graz on Boxing Day (photo credit: Nicki Dusyk)

Back in Jerusalem, the winter sun continues to shine and the end of the Gregorian calendar year is a bit of a snooze.  That is, today is a full workday, so is tomorrow, and the town is not fixing for a big night of parties. But, I can't help treat the changing calendar year as a bit of a milestone and time to reflect on what I've done since I arrived and what else I want to do while I am here -- both for work and for fun.

To those of you celebrating the New Year (or Silvester as it is called here, and as many Europeans call it) have a wonderful night!

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