Sunday, March 17, 2013

Just in time...


Israel has a new governing coalition. It's made up of four parties -- Likud-Beytenu, Yesh Atid, Jewish Home, and Hatnua. It was a fight to the finish with portfolios hotly contested and endless manouevering. But, here we are. No Haredim in the coalition. Yair Lapid and Naftali Bennett really pushed Bibi into a corner and weakened him. What will come of it? The new government will be sworn in tomorrow. Before the hard work begins we have a special visitor...

Bus stop signage near the President's house (Beit HaNassi) on Jabotinsky St

Obama is coming. On Wednesday. And, Jerusalem is ready! The Stars and Stripes are flying everywhere. All around Gan Sacher and the Knesset the major boulevard lightposts are festooned with one Stars and Stripes for every two Stars of David. Welcome Barack!

Some pundits suggest this visit could be really meaningful. Obama is at the start of his second term and wants to advance the peace agenda within Israel-Palestine and in the region. The Knesset has a new coalition. But Bibi intends (it's suggested) to focus on Iran and its nuclear threat. But, maybe he'll surprise us all. More waiting and seeing...

And for those of you who were wondering: St Patrick's Day in Israel is a non event. 

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