Saturday, June 8, 2013

On being a tour guide

This week I was touring around Jerusalem with friends who were on their first trip to Israel.

Some of things we did were repeats for me, others were new.  I've been wanting to see the Chagall Murals at Ein Karem Hadassah (specifically, at the hospital synagogue). Chagall made 12 murals -- each of which represents a tribe of Israel (a son of Jacob). But, it's only open during the weekdays so you have to make a real effort to get out there. So we did. And it was worth it.

From the hospital we walked to Ein Karem -- a walk I've done before -- but it felt new owing to the changed plant life (drying out with the summer heat). Plus, you cannot beat the smell of pine woodlands on a warm day. 

The view on the walk to Ein Karem

We also visited the Temple Mount early on Tuesday morning. We beat the crowds and were treated to a really peaceful visit. We wandered from the door of Al Aqsa

The door of Al Aqsa

Al Aqsa

... to the Dome of the Rock.

View from East side (little dome in front)
Trivia: When the Crusaders held Jerusalem they converted Al Aqsa into a royal palace, including stables for their horses. The Dome of the Rock was used as a church. Later when the Muslims took back Jerusalem they converted these two buildings back to their holy sites and lifted treasures from the Holy Sepulchre to "readorn" their buildings. In the result the Old City of Jerusalem is a study in borrowing, repurposing, and rededicating...and enduring sanctity. 

And, of course, we stopped in at the market - always an adventure. Since you've seen pix of Mahane Yehuda, here's a sound bite.

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