Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Everybody who's an anybody

...is in Jerusalem tonight, celebrating Shimon Peres' 90th birthday. Everybody includes Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, Robert DeNiro, Barbra Streisand...and Sharon Stone (?).

The party was at the convention centre over by the Central Bus Station, but based on the number of media vans in the neighbourhood (I am living a stone's throw from Beit HaNassi (the President's House)) I think there may be an after party at Shimon's. Forget the convention centre, I want a ticket to the after party. Oh, the stories they could tell!!

But, since I don't have a ticket to the after party, I'll have to be content to listen to the hum of the generators and the night crews manning their cameras and vans.

Happy Birthday Shimon. The oldest living head of state in the world! There is talk that Bibi might try to extend Shimon's term so that he need not find a replacement for him. The field of potential presidential candidates is said to be thin; too many folks are too polarizing. Then, when Shimon's term is up, Bibi will slide from PM to Prez. It's convenient; the move from Balfour Street to Beit HaNassi is less than a kilometre, not to mention the improved job conditions. No more daily struggles in the Knesset! And from the outside Shimon's place looks to be far more palatial.

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