Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Autumn in Jerusalem

Autumn officially started for me this morning. The nights have been cool this past week dipping to 15C (I know, I know) chilling the apartment I'm staying in. I have put an extra blanket on my bed. And, I've had my heavy slippers on in the evenings to insulate against the cold tile floors. (If you know me, you know about my cold feet and love of blankets.) I even started a knitting project last night! But, only this morning when I had an early morning shower that was tepid did it really occur to me that the seasons have changed.

In summer you can count on the solar panel on the roof to give hot water on demand anytime, even in the middle of the night. Yesterday was the first somewhat cloudy day we've had (and by cloudy, I mean a day that would be described in Canada as sunny with cloudy periods, but here as cloudy with sunny periods). And, it was dusty. So, it would seem, the solar heater didn't get its usual hit of energy. Therefore my shower was not as hot as I like it it might have been. All that to say it's autumn. Tepid showers or turn the boiler on!

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