Sunday, November 11, 2012

And with was winter

Today the gortex, boots, umbrellas, and even toques (not me! seen on the bus) came out. This weekend heralded the arrival of winter and the end of summer. A true Mediterranean two-season climate.  Rain, so much rain and wind. I had to plug the holes in the my office wall with bunched up bits of newspaper. At some point somebody did some reno to stick some pipe (for what I don't know) into my office and never filled in around the pipe. I have two "portholes" at about ankle height in my office. I guess this makes for extra ventilation in the summer, but it's not so good in the winter. The wind howls up on Mt Scopus in the winter.  It is especially cold and loud in my office because the single pane window doesn't fit so well in its frame. Fortunately, near the end of the day I learned how to make my air conditioner produce heat. And, I bought a blanket at the campus stationery store. They also sell hairdryers, blenders, notebooks, lingerie, and snacks. A real emporium!

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