Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Siren No. 2

I was just heading back to the office after a leisurely lunch in the cafeteria -- the meals are huge -- snaking my way through the labyrinthine hallways of Hebrew University's Mt Scopus campus when the air raid siren went off again; it was a quarter after 2. Everyone huddled in the stairwells of middle floors and waited.

Then, early this evening there was a hopeful announcement that we could expect a ceasefire to go in effect at midnight tonight.

Since life goes on, I went to the mall with some friends in search of a new pair of jeans. After three hours of wandering the mall and trying on a few things, I can tell you the highlight was sharing a pistachio-cream filled donut (like a jelly donut, but with pistachio cream) -- an early Hanukkah treat.

Once home I checked the news to find...the ceasefire has been postponed.

Hillary has arrived in town. I'm about to go watch her press conference with Bibi.

No new info in the press conference. Here's hoping Hillary can broker a ceasefire.

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