Friday, December 14, 2012


The Menorah at Mahane Yehuda on Thursday night
I arrived back in Jerusalem very late Monday (er...very early Tuesday morning). Hanukkah celebrations are in full swing and the Festival of Lights seems to have distracted folks from the politics of life here, at least for a bit. Until the latest Lieberman scandal-saga.  I'm hoping to lighten up on the politics for a bit and instead focus more on festivities (and work) for the rest of the month.

The weather has been cool here making me perhaps more appreciative than ever for the inventions of good insulation (including double paned windows) and central heating -- two building features that are difficult to find in Jerusalem. I'm now understanding why people told me the winter here can be "grim". It's grim because you have to wear more clothes inside at times than you have to wear outside. It's grim because the windows don't fit tightly and the wind howls through the cracks. It's grim because when it rains it buckets. What makes it okay is that after two or three days of a storm (max I've seen so far) the sun comes out and the daytime temperatures climb to 16C. And that, my Canadian friends, is pretty fantastic.

A key food to eat during Hanukkah is sufganiyot (jelly donuts) - they are everywhere. And, a bit like Christmas treats are wont, they started showing up sometime in early November. I have tried strawberry, pistachio and caramel. So far the caramel is winning, but maybe because it was procured at the fanciest bakery of the three? But, I'm far from the person who should be evaluating sufaniyot -- those of you who know my culinary preferences know that I am no donut aficionado!  I might have to see about making some ginger cookies this week...

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