Sunday, December 2, 2012

On borders and settlements

This post is really an addendum to yesterday's...

I watched a series of five videos on the New York Times website entitled, Challenges in Defining an Israeli-Palestinian Border that I think offers a great perspective on the issues in the Israel-Palestine conflict. If you are curious to know more these videos are a great place to start.

And for more detail on the implications of the potential new 3000 units in East Jerusalem see Rudoren in the New York Times on Dividing the West Bank, and Deepening a Rift.

Meanwhile, Hillary has said, "these activities set back the cause of a negotiated peace". I haven't watched her speech so I don't know if she was referring to a particular peace -- the immediate peace (which is really more of a truce) related to the ceasefire following Operation Pillar of Defence or peace as in a two-state solution. Likely she meant both. 

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